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Expression Australia | Deaf Connect


Intelligent interpreter booking platform for the deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind communities


Interpreting for the deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind is complex. The idiom one size fits all does not apply. 

The requirements range from event types such as a visit to the doctor, court hearings and live to interpret for political announcements. In addition, the interpreter skills significantly vary with personal relationships within the community must be considered.

Our client came to Curve for our user-centred approach to development, and with several questions, including:

  • How do we scale our operations to meet the increasing demand?
  • How do we transfer the tacit knowledge from the booking officers into a digital platform?


  • AC+ was co-designed and developed as a scalable web application to support deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind communities for booking interpreters on a secure booking platform.
  • The mobile responsive web application empowered, for the first time, clients to easily access their interpreting needs, and communicate with the booking office and assigned interpreters.
  • AC+ automatically organises the interpreters to match the client's needs based on multiple complex criteria, including skill set and location, for booking officers to invite interpreters.
  • The platform includes integrations for reporting and billing, streamlining financial management.

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The Results

AC+ enabled clients to provide over 500% more hours of interpreting per year, up from 10,000 hours. AC+ is the preferred platform by Deaf clients for booking interpreters. The interpreter organisations have been able to increase their efficiency with their booking officers and accurately capture the cost of providing the interpreter service.